The 25 Best Sobriety Quotes 2023

We’re on a mission to save one million lives over the next century. We encourage all those struggling with substance use to seek professional help. These 100 quotes can help you understand why you turn to alcohol or drugs, galvanize you to confront your substance abuse, and inspire you to fix it.

Call today to speak with one of our treatment specialists. Our professionals know what you are going through and will answer any of your questions. Sobirety quotes are a great way to start your day in recovery. Quotes about sobriety can provide motivation and inspiration. Here are some other quotes about sobriety that may help you. It affects people from all classes and all walks of life.

Quotes About Addiction

20.”Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” – Carrie Fisher. 15.”Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” – Buddha. Looking for some inspiration on your journey to sobriety? Look no further than these powerful and uplifting quotes. Some of the best drug free quotes and sayings amidst a chaotic life of addiction begin with the hope that something ‘out there can instantly fill up the emptiness inside.

While there is a shift in how society is treating and viewing alcohol, it’s big business for everyone–even the people charged with policing its use. Alcohol is the only drug where people think you have sober as a sayings a problem if you don’t do it. I admitted that I was an alcoholic, that I was scared, and that I needed to make a change. If I couldn’t first accept this, then there was no chance I would ever fix it.

AA Quotes About Sobriety

The only way this advantage would erode is if everyone stopped drinking. You’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be around the right ones. Alcohol is designed to make you do dumb shit that you wouldn’t otherwise do.

  • You can’t forgive without letting go, and you can’t let go without forgiving.” – Bryant McGill.
  • With alcohol no longer an option, you’re forced to deal with all of these emotions — good and bad.
  • It’s amazing how many people have no idea how to socialize without a bar.
  • Family of addicts quotes can encourage loved one’s to carry on.
  • They’re versatile and invaluable recovery tools, comforting and encouraging anyone addiction has impacted.

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